System requirements and compatibility | Citrix Workspace app LTSR for Windows - Important Disclaimer - Limited Release Hotfix

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Citrix workspace app for windows 1912


This limited release addresses a specific issue s reported by a specific customer s in a specific deployment s. Testing was targeted only at the affected functionality, and regression and stress testing were minimal. Introduce this release to a test environment for evaluation before deploying it to a production environment.

This release is not intended for customers other than those who reported the issue it addresses. All other customers are advised to upgrade to the latest Public or Cumulative Update release. This document describes the issue s resolved by this release and includes installation instructions. For additional product information, including system requirements, see Citrix Workspace app for Windows on the Citrix Product Documentation site.

The issue occurs when the Receiver clean-up utility fails to start the cleanup process. For more information about the Workspace app, including licensing, client device system requirements, and installation instructions, see Citrix Workspace app for Windows on the Citrix Product Documentation site.

Failed to load featured products content, Please try again. Customers who viewed this article also viewed. Where to Find Documentation This document describes the issue s resolved by this release and includes installation instructions. Any known issues in Version This upgrade does not patch the existing installation - it fully replaces it with a new installation. As a result, uninstalling this package removes the entire component from the computer. If the need arises to revert to an earlier version of the product, you must uninstall this package and then reinstall the earlier version of the product.

Reverting to an earlier version of the product might result in the loss of settings you configure while this upgrade is installed. This release may require you to edit the registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved.

Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Installation Instructions For more information about the Workspace app, including licensing, client device system requirements, and installation instructions, see Citrix Workspace app for Windows on the Citrix Product Documentation site. Was this page helpful? Thank you! Sorry to hear that. Name Name is required. Email Email address is required. Close Submit. Featured Products. Need more help? Product issues.

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